
We Help
Businesses Get Paid Faster.

The World’s Simplest Invoicing and Accounting Solution
No credit card required
30 Days free trial

More than 45,000+ companies trust us

5 Star Ratings (20+ Review)

Generate Beautiful
Proposals Fast

Start with one of our templates, and edit them to create custom business proposals. Then easily turn proposals into invoices that are ready to be sent out to clients

Less Accounting is trusted by thousand of companies

Strategic analysis designed to address the first strategic 

Essentially formula for how a business is going to compete,  

Strategy formulation is built on "the match between all 

Strategy formulation is built on "the match between all 


Start with one of our templates, and edit them to create custom business proposals. Then easily turn proposals into invoices that are ready to be sent out to clients

An invoice is a document that maintains a record a transaction between a buyer and seller.

Sabo Masties

Founder @ Rolex

Invoices generally outline payment terms, unit costs, shipping, handling, and any other terms outlined during transaction.


Founder @ Lafeit

Ready to give it a try?

The World's Simplest Invoicing and Accounting Solution

No credit card required
30 Days free trial